A unique solution, based on mutual benefit and a sense of community.

Designed for wind sports enthusiasts who do not have the luxury of living or working very close to the spots to check if the wind conditions are indeed good…and to enjoy a great session as soon as possible!
Providing real-time information from riders on the spots, instead of relying solely on often inaccurate wind forecasts, webcams with limited visibility, or poorly positioned anemometers for certain wind directions.

For Riders:

Maximize time on the water

Plan sessions more efficiently

Minimize the risk of missing out good opportunities

For Businesses:

A great opportunity for any business located near the water!

By sharing wind and riding conditions with the community, stakeholders such as shops, restaurants, and other service providers can gain more visibility and attract a wider audience.
This creates a win-win situation where the wind sports community gets access to reliable information, and local businesses get the chance to increase their exposure.